Palm Sunday

This week we will be celebrating Palm Sunday. This is the day we celebrate the Triumphal Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. The account of this event is recorded for us in Matthew 21:1-11. Here we read that as Jesus rode into Jerusalem the crowds gathered along the street spreading their garments and cutting down branches from the trees placing them on the road where Jesus was traveling.

The crowds shouted out “Hosanna to the son of David: Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest.” That day the people of Jerusalem were celebrating because they thought Jesus was going to bring them physical deliverance from the Romans. Just one week later those cheers were turned into cursing and condemnation as Jesus didn’t meet their expectations. The one they cheered they now hung on the cross.

What the people didn’t understand is that Jesus entered into Jerusalem on that Palm Sunday to offer them something far greater than physical deliverance, he came to offer them spiritual deliverance and everlasting life. Jesus came not to be a temporary earthly king but to become the King of kings and Lord of Lords.

How do you view Jesus this Palm Sunday? Do you view him as simply one who can offer you a better life or the one who can offer you eternal life? Make him your King of kings and Lord of lords!