Back To School

Dealing with the fear and anxiety as we send our kids back to school this year.

As many of you have done we sent our daughter back to school today. On any given “normal” year this is a day that is full of mixed emotions for the students, parents, and yes even the teachers. This day is mixed with excitement and some fear. The kids are excited about seeing their friends, having a new teacher, starting a new grade. They also have some fears such as what if I can’t find my classroom, what if nobody likes me, what if the work is to hard? Parents are excited that their children are growing up, receiving a good education to prepare them for the future, and yes, that they are out of the house. They may also have some fears such as what if they don’t do well or what if they get sick? The teachers are excited because this is what they love to do and have worked very hard to get ready for the arrival of our children. The teachers also may have some fears but I can assure you that most of their fears are centered upon the health and education of your children.

This year, however, some of you may have a little more anxiety and fear due to COVID 19. Is my child going to be safe, will they be exposed, what if the schools have to shut down? These are all legitimate concerns. These are all questions that no one can accurately answer. We do know that the school system has worked very hard to ensure the safety and success of our children but there are no guarantees.

There is one guarantee, however, that is found in Isaiah 41:10, “Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

The Lord has promised that He will strengthen us, help us, and uphold us. If you are fearful or have a lot of anxiety about your kids being in school this year turn to the Lord and let Him know. He will make it possible for us to trust Him with the safety and care of our children. Will our kids face difficulties and challenges this year? Probably, but I don’t know to what extent. I do know this, if and when those challenges arise Jesus will help me through those challenges and strengthen me, He will help me to stand with His right hand of righteousness. Because of this assurance I can face any possible upcoming challenges this school year without fear and without dismay.

God Bless

Pastor Tom

Creekside Community Church